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my_own_ipv6_tips_for_servers @public
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code> pass proto ipv6-icmp all </code> ===== MySQL ===== as stated [[|here]], you need at least MySQL v5.5.x for ipv6 to work.
public @public
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using Unix tools]] **Command line** * [[public:mysql|MySQL Hints]] * [[public:bash_tips|Bash Hints]] * [[public:zsh|ZSH Hints]] * [[public:ssh|SSH Hint... e_toaster|Lightweight groupware solution using nginx+php-fpm+mysql+baïkal+roundcube+agendav]] </columns>
syntax @wiki
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tapost mirc mk-61 mmix modula2 modula3 mpasm mxml mysql nagios netrexx newlisp nginx nimrod nsis oberon2