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wipeliveserver @public
10 Hits, Last modified:
CHROOTDIR}/{bin,sbin,proc,sys,dev,run,usr,var,tmp,etc,root,oldroot} mkdir -p ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/bin mkdir... /usr/sbin/dropbear ${CHROOTDIR}/sbin/ #cp -vrp /etc/passwd* /etc/shadow* /etc/group* /etc/shells ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/ #cp -vrp /etc/dropbear ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/ cp -vrp /et
my_own_ipv6_tips_for_servers @public
7 Hits, Last modified:
rvers I personally use. ===== SSH ===== add to /etc/ssh/sshd_config: <code> ListenAddress :: </code>... s of vsftpd, one for ipv4, and one for ipv6. * /etc/vsftpd.conf: <code> listen=YES </code> * /etc/vsftpd_ipv6.conf: <code> listen=NO listen_ipv6=YES </... ch instance separately: <code> # /path/to/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd.conf # /path/to/vsftpd /etc/
gemini_toaster @public
5 Hits, Last modified:
rvice ===== inetd requires a defined service in /etc/services, so let's add it <code bash> echo "gemini 11965/tcp">>/etc/services </code> ===== Activate and launch inetd ===== * Add the following lines to /etc/inetd.conf. Adjust -d parameter to previously cre... de bash> # echo "inetd_enable=\"YES\"">/usr/local/etc/rc.conf.d/inetd </code> * Finaly, launch inetd
ssh @public
2 Hits, Last modified:
f shortname is not defined in the DNS nor in the /etc/hosts file) ====== Bounce hosts ====== Here we ... ===== Run a command on login ====== Commands in /etc/ssh/sshrc are executed by ssh when the user logs