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syntax @wiki
7 Hits, Last modified:
homogeneous user group like a corporate [[wp>Intranet]]. Windows Shares like [[\\server\share|this]]... ng of windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer per default (and only in the "local zone... s|images]] (see below) like this: [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] Please note: The image form
ssh @public
2 Hits, Last modified:
n.tld host. Of course [[|netcat]] must be installed on the public server.... owser. ====== Using a local proxy to enable internet access on a remote host ====== * install some
nagios_toaster @public
1 Hits, Last modified:
NConf ===== - Get it from [[|Sourceforge]] - Ext
twi2fedi @public
1 Hits, Last modified:
You can still find other <del>blue-bird</del> black-๐• bots at [@tootbot](!