* If we are targeting Windows Vista and above, we can ask for a name
You can apply this patch while compiling new version's port (issue `make`, stop it
monitoring =====
The following minimalist script can be used to check for capsule availability in Nagi... And if security is not your primary concern, you can use the more permissive --no-ca-verification flag
=== Aliases ======
by editing ~/.ssh/config, you can make SSH aliases very simply:
Host shortn... on the public server.
====== Tunnels ======
We can map distant ports on localhost local ports, using... make several connections to the same server, you can speed up every connection after the first one by
===== query cache =====
you can see the query cache statistics at any time by iss... e it stores all the databases and tables; but you can have it the nice myisam-way, i.e. one directory f... ccount on the master server that the slave server can use to connect
<code sql>
* Here is a backup script you can use (on a daily use, remember to use it on the "s
RNING**: This hack does not work anymore, but you can now handle mobile skins in a much proper way thro... template =====
Here are some mobile template you can download:
* [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/template:
* ^L clear screen
* ^Z stop a process, which can be restarted either in the foreground by typing "... a send escape".
====== Emacs/VI mode ======
Bash can use Emacs or VI shortcuts, using the "set" comman... putrc usage ======
===== History =====
Shortcuts can be customized using /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc; h