====== Aliases ====== by editing ~/.ssh/config, you can make SSH aliases very simply: Host shortname HostName longname.domain.tld Port 22 User username typing "ssh shortname" will be the same as "ssh username@longname.domain.tld" (even if shortname is not defined in the DNS nor in the /etc/hosts file) ====== Bounce hosts ====== Here we use a publicaly available IP host to reach a private host, using a single command. For this to work you have to add something like that in ~/.ssh/config: Host hostname ProxyCommand ssh username@longname.domain.tld nc distant_private_ip_adress 22 User username "ssh hostname" connects to the distant_private_ip_adress adress server using the public longname.domain.tld host. Of course [[http://netcat.sourceforge.net/|netcat]] must be installed on the public server. ====== Tunnels ====== We can map distant ports on localhost local ports, using a bounce host: ssh -L 8080:server_to_forward_ports_of:80 server_to_connect_to once connected to server_to_connect_to, localhost:8080 would be the same as server_to_forward_ports_of:80. ====== SOCKS proxies ====== ssh -D 8080 server_to_connect_to once connected to server_to_connect_to, use localhost:8080 as the (SOCKS v4) proxy server in your favorite browser. ====== Using a local proxy to enable internet access on a remote host ====== * install some proxy software (i.e., Squid) * connect to the server, and map a port to the proxy's one: ssh -R8181:localhost:3128 server_to_connect_to * once connected, enter: export http_proxy= * surf ====== Run a command on login ====== Commands in /etc/ssh/sshrc are executed by ssh when the user logs in, just before the user's shell (or command) is started. It's commonly used to send alerts using mail: #!/bin/sh # source: http://blog.uggy.org/post/2009/06/05/Execution-de-commande-lors-d-une-connexion-SSH DATE=`date "+%d.%m.%Y--%Hh%Mm"` IP=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | awk '{print $1}'` REVERSE=`dig -x $IP +short` HOSTNAME=`hostname` echo "Connexion de $USER sur $HOSTNAME IP: $IP ReverseDNS: $REVERSE Date: $DATE " | mail -s "Connexion de $USER sur $HOSTNAME" me@mail.com ====== Multiplexing ====== If you make several connections to the same server, you can speed up every connection after the first one by enabling multiplexing. * create the directory where connections' data will be stored: $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/connections $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/connections * Enable multiplexing for every hosts in .ssh/config: Host * ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%r_%h_%p Warning: This will not work with tunneled protocols or forwarded ports (See [[http://www.symkat.com/ssh-tips-and-tricks-you-need]]).